Parent Confidently

A reliable place for tips, support, and real advice from parenting experts
Let’s Talk About Transitions
Child Development Let’s Talk About Transitions
As a parent, it’s so helpful to know what to expect with your baby to prepare for the joys and the hiccups ahead. Read on for our transition cheat sheet.
Surviving and thriving: Must-know advice for new parents
Growth & Milestones Surviving and thriving: Must-know advice for new parents
While the parenting journey will be unique for everyone, some general guidelines can make this new adventure a little easier. 
How Nanit’s AI supports parents every day
Growth & Milestones How Nanit’s AI supports parents every day
Parents can truly benefit from the extra help of AI tools, which can support your growing family as you learn your baby’s patterns and rhythms.  Here’s how Nanit’s behavioral AI technology can eas...
baby sleeping on its back in crib when can babies sleep on their stomachs
Growth & Milestones When can newborns sleep on their stomach safely?
Babies should always be placed on their backs come naptime or bedtime. But once they’ve hit certain milestones, they can begin to explore different sleeping positions.
When can my baby sleep through the night without a feeding?
Growth & Milestones When can my baby sleep through the night without a feeding?
When your baby can start sleeping through the night without a feeding depends on your baby’s needs. There are general guidelines and protocols that can help you understand when your baby is ready f...
Solving bedtime battles tips for parents with toddlers and school aged children
Growth & Milestones Toddler sleep issues: 5 signs and how to handle them
Here are some scientifically-backed techniques that can make bedtime routines with your young child or toddler less challenging, thereby enhancing the quality of sleep for the entire family. 
Baby developmental milestones
Growth & Milestones A guide to baby’s developmental milestones from birth to 12 months
Here are the common key developmental milestones in Year One, when your baby is expected to reach them, and how you can help your baby reach each stage.
The 6 month sleep regression: What it is and how to get through it
Growth & Milestones The 6 month sleep regression: What it is and how to get through it
You might have heard your parent-friends grumble about spending weeks slogging through sleepless nights around their baby’s four month birthday, adjusting routines, creating an ideal sleep sanctua...
Separation Anxiety in Babies
Growth & Milestones Separation Anxiety in Babies: What You Need to Know
Has this ever happened to you? Your little one is around 6 months of age, cuter than ever and growing by leaps and bounds every day. You turn to leave the nursery for a moment to get something from...
Sleep Disorders and Autism: What You Need to Know
Growth & Milestones Sleep Disorders and Autism: What You Need to Know
April is World Autism Month, and at Nanit, we consider it part of our mission to facilitate better research and improve understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)—more specifically, how ASD im...
Why Is Sleep So Important for My Child's Growth and Development?
Growth & Milestones Why Is Sleep So Important for My Child's Growth and Development?
Sleep is as imperative as nutrition and exercise when it comes child growth and development. However, sleep has often been absent in children’s health messaging. When sleep is taken into account, t...
4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens & Tips to Survive It
Growth & Milestones 4 Month Sleep Regression: Why It Happens & Tips to Survive It
Just as you’re emerging from the newborn haze and your baby is sleeping for longer stretches during the ni...
Growth & Milestones The 10 Month Sleep Regression
Getting your baby to have a good night’s rest is one major goal of every parent, but things (like the 10 month sleep regression) just seem to get in the way of good sleep at every turn. Sleepless n...
Growth & Milestones The 9 Month Sleep Regression
Being a new parent can be pretty overwhelming during the first year of your baby’s life. There is so much to get used to with 4 month sleep regression, teething and growth spurts. You finally devel...
The 8 Month Sleep Regression
Growth & Milestones The 8 Month Sleep Regression
By the time your child reaches the final quarter of their first year you’ll hopefully have a pro sleeper on your hands, or even better, a pro sleeper snoozing in their own bed. While there are no m...
4-Month Sleep Regression
Growth & Milestones The 4 Month Sleep Regression (or Progression!)
So, your little angel who slept like a teenager for the first three months of their life is now sleeping like a baby – aka, waking up every few hours and popping their eyes open at the drop of a pe...
Should You Teach Your Baby To Use Baby Sign Language?
Growth & Milestones Should You Teach Your Baby To Use Baby Sign Language?
Long before babies can talk, they have wants and needs and desires and things to communicate. And believe it or not, they are capable of effectively communicating — in ways other than crying, giggl...